Friday, October 03, 2008


I have seen the face of terror - and it's gorgeous.

Back in January of this year, John Stewart was interviewing Charlize Theron on the Daily Show. Theron was promoting the film Monster - in which she portrayed serial killer Aileen Wuornos. Theron later won a Golden Globe award for her "gutsy" performance. ("Gutsy" in Hollywood terms means gaining weight for a role and having sex on camera as a chubby prostitute with someone other than Richard Gere.)

Wuornos, a psychopathic Lesbian serial killer, was found guilty of murdering seven people and subsequently given a dirt nap by State of Florida in 2002. Up until the end, she maintained that her mind was being controlled by radio waves.

Anti-capital punishment activists cited this paranoid belief as proof that Wuornos she was insane... until they realized that Bill Clinton had made the same "mind control" claim about Conservative Talk Radio.

(Years earlier, Nick Broomfield's creepy documentary, Aileen Wuornos: The Selling of a Serial Killer continued his formula of elevating scum-of-the-earth criminals (Heidi Fleiss, Courtney Love, Tupac Shakur, Lily Tomlin...) into the Violet Light of the Bleeding Heart. In one hilarious sequence we see Wuornos' lawyer sucking down a huge spliff in preparation for discussion of defense strategy with his client. Poetic, no?)

After Stewart's predictable Daily Show couch chat and ego frottage, the interview turned to the viciousness of the main character.

Stewart: ...was Wuornos just a vicious psychopath?

Theron: Well, there was a lot of gray in her story ... it's very easy in our society to kind of label people like her. ..."

Stewart: ...she [Wuornos] killed seven people...

Theron: No, and I don't want to make excuses for that ... she did horrendous things, terrible things, and we're not trying to justify them or make excuses for them at all. But ... a lot of times the word 'evil' gets misused, or 'crazy' or 'psychopath,' and I think that our human nature is just much more complex than that. And I think it's a cop-out ... an easy thing to say, kind of condemn the person. ..."

There you have it - The Face of Evil.

Not Osama's long, Kerry-like physog... Not Zarqawi's glue-huffer stare... Not Al Sadr's tragic orthodontia...

But this:

An example of what America must destroy before we can have both hands free to tackle Al Qaeda: simple-minded Liberal Guilt.

No Heavy Head Trips!

Where have we heard examples of Charlize's free-range, moral vacuum idiocy before?

- When lawyers portray unrepentant killers as, "having had a rough childhood."
- During protests, where bus bomb murderers are hailed as Freedom Fighters.
- In classrooms where kids are taught that they must respect every deviant behavior without judging it - or risk being castigated as a racist, homophobe or fascist.

Charlize is a second generation product of the Sick-O `60's, with its hidden deathwish for the anarchy, judgment and punishment that those gray-ponytailed Hippies believe America rightly deserves. Wealthy Libs yearn for the retribution they are cocksure will never reach West Hollywood, Laurel Canyon, Malibu or Santa Barbara or The Upper West Side, or Frisco.

(The only dent in the TinselTown deathwish vehicle was Manson's slaughter of those who felt most immune to violence. The Hollywood Lib silence lasted until he was safely behind bars... and then they immortalized him along with their other "political victims" - cop killers, castraters, sadists and masochistic exhibitionists.)

But this is only a bubble-headed actress, Marty..., the average person on the street thinks aloud for the benefit of this blog, What in the world does she have to do with pure, unrestained evil?

A couple of weeks ago, I blogged "How To Keep Your Teeth." a layperson's tutorial to barroom brawling. In it, I listed Brawl Observation #4 WHILE THE BRAWL IS IN PROGRESS, YOU CANNOT TRUST YOUR FRIENDS TO DO THE RIGHT THING.

You know that film scene where a guy is fighting a gang of thugs and the "girlfriend" tries to stop the fight by holding the hero's arm? He can't hit the enemy, so he gets clobbered. HA-HA! What a comic moment! And then he turns to tell her to stop "helping him" and another thug's uppercut knocks him off his feet? HA-HA! Yet another bellylaugh. Wouldn't it be weird if that was the way fights happened? Hee-hee-hee.

Watching an Indiana Jones flick we can laugh out loud, knowing that the end result will be Good Guy 1 - Bad Guys 0. I could list dozens of these cliche fight scenes, but why? The struggle between good and evil is not a movie and it's certainly not funny.

Intellectual Hostages

We're going to lose thousands of American lives by letting the Theron's of 90210 spew their flat-Alpha wave, New Age, non-judgmental goo over tens of thousands of fawning fans.

You want to bandy about the theory of Memes, Mr. Ebert? You tell me. How does one goofy actress affect hordes of impressionable tweens? Have another nitro-glycerine tablet and wax intellectual for us, won't you?

We can expect more "we must understand the mindset of the beheader/bomber/terrorist" vomitus from daft celebs. They long to understand these characters, breathe in their motivations, portray them as complex, totured souls and pick up a couple of career-expanding statuettes.

We can also count on marches in the street calling for the defeat of America and the annihilation of Israel by brain-scrambled Lefties. See for yourself.

Pure hatred. Anarchy disguised as "championing the victims." "Victims" who murder children and other innocents in the name of Social Justice. "Social Justice," which is the euphemism for "killing those who disagree with the movement."

And Charlize would like us to "hold off on judgment" because we can't know the mind of the killer. They may have a good reason for slaughtering innocent people...

What If

What if the public was so appalled by Theron's sympathic portrayal of convicted serial killer Aileen Wuornos, that a law enforcement official called for her immediate death as a sort of Legal/Creative Fatwah? Would she understand that her limited knowledge of the official's motivations absolved that person of judgment by her or others?

Or would she have a brace of corn-fed Lawyers bringing Fire From On High down onto that person?

More simply put, would Ms. Theron be willing to be one of Aileen Wuornos' victims to help the poor serial-killer ameliorate her sense of worthlessness? If not, why would she refuse to judge Wuornos' behavior?

Legal versus Moral Sanity

Years ago, I had a friend (!) who was a criminal trial lawyer in New York. Criminal trial lawyer - what an apt description.

He chose to defend David Berkowitz - the Son of Sam killer.
